Civil Activities

"The Nest - Association for Solidarity and Integration”, Innsbruck

I founded the first Ukrainian cultural center and library in Innsbruck, dealing with integration and solidarity with the Ukrainian community in Tirol (

This project is partially funded through the “European Solidarity Corps” Program by the EU, represented in Austria by the OeAD. As for September 2023, together with my team, we`ve collected 1000 books in Ukrainian and organized three public events (opening evening and two fests dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine), gathering together more than 100 people residing in Tirol.

Vienna Crisis Headquarters for Ukraine

Since February 2022, I`ve been coordinating the Medical Supplies Department for the Ukrainian diaspora in Vienna in cooperation with  "TUMA”, “Barbarakirche,” “YOUkraine,” and “Unlimited Democracy” NGOs.

Core tasks: Full chain of medical supplies from Austria to Ukraine (collecting and sorting donations, negotiations with suppliers, fundraising, logistics). Since then, in cooperation with my colleagues, I could buy and supply medicine and medicine-related items for around EUR 800,000, later used in various medical hospitals, stations, and privately by people in need.